Katrina Ruth Programs – Kat’s Million Dollar Templates
I’m BUZZING like an ill-tempered chipmunk after consuming a lot of caffeine. I don’t know how I ever thought of bringing this back to you. MDT was by far the most successful program that I’d ever created. In fact, it was launched in 2017 and has been relaunched.-The doors were opened mid-February-Running of the live program!
When I finished it, I was certain that I would have to give people this gold back at some point. And then, well, I think I kinda forgot … busy creatin’, I guess!
Anyway, I am so excited to bring it back for you! You’ll be shook to your core when you see the contents. Yes, it is so good and there is SO much!
Also, not only am I bringing back the OG #MillionDollarTemplates, I’m adding NEW deep dives and Q&As with me AND my team. #what?!
Check out the pre-work!!
There’s more, too! However, I will have to keep some of those on the low side for now.
Here are some examples of what you can expect:
* Everything listed below on this page
* ALL original content, yours to keep for life
* The ins and outs of the BEST strategy program I’ve ever done (with a hella lot of mindset in there too!)
* Plus TWO bonus audios, previously only ever shared with high level private clients – one on calling in soulmate clients, and another on my advanced manifestation process!
All of this PLUS –
Daily.Freaking.Content – YES, every day for 30 days – as we BLAST through Million Dollar Templates together and I show you EVERYTHING in my ‘Make Your Millions Manual’ – the essential foundation you NEED to monetize the fuccccckk out of your art & madness now!
Imagine if I said that I actually have an organized system, a structure and a way of doing things for every one.
Single –
Sache –
Which of my team did or have done in my biz? To turn it into a mafifing EMPIRE full of chaos and madness, where all I do is get up each morning, be ME, do my ART?
You’re wrong! I was going TO ask you if this is what you would like. Allllllllll the things!), but I know, I know, I KNOW!!!
This should be done before I continue.
I love to fuck your planning and any other information that can help me live a better life.
Rules? Systems? Structure? PROCEDURE?
This whole thing has been a little confusing for me. And I thank you for getting me to where I am now! It was only a few days ago that I realized, in fact, I had stopped almost dead during a Muay Thai sparring session with my trainer. And it HIT me!
Yes, I do have systems, methods of doing things, processes and even a motherfucking procedure, butch! Since 2006 when I started blogging and tried my hand at the online gig, it’s been evolving.
In truth, all of this could be done without any additional up-till-Get it now-Only-In-my-I’d never even have a multimillion-dollar business if it wasn’t for my TEMPLATING shiz Z!
Side note: Stopping dead in middle of sparring is not a smart move, no matter how amazing the aha! I wasn’t just struck by the idea!!
However, I could not help but think about it as I continued to dance around the ring (sooooo rhythmically haha), and couldn’t stop.
The truth is that I was OUTRAGED that I didn’t realize this sooner, even though I was so excited to share my secret TEMPLATES with everyone.
How I can take every breath and every move that I make (okayyyy…it works, okay!) …with every STEP forward that I’ve made, just like what I’ve learned.
And further investigated
It is also very fine-Tuned –
And they failed –
I picked myself up the fuck back UP all these years.
Und of course, IMPLEMENTED and taken freaking ACTION –
I have been working to build the foundation of a company that is now a fully operational business.-A fledged international business and BRAND. Recently, I have been noticing a lot of things in that company…my company…OUR company…which have made me realize that there is more to my madness that I thought. But the real reason that this hit me so hard, literally literally.
This is my first time sparring. I mean, actually fucking meaning it. Or, at least, I’m trying! As I get ready to lock in my first fight, here’s what I see:
I get scared
I often find myself stuck and frozen in my thoughts.
I want to know what my next move should be
I want him TELL me
It seems that I am waiting reactively for the next hit instead of PROACTIVELY taking steps.
As much as I want to be able to dance and move and just know what to do, the truth is that I don’t.
I’m still learning.
I don’t have the STRATEGIES and the technique completely locked in yet. I am like a baby deer learning the basics of walking. Sometimes, I’m able to walk for a while and sometimes I feel the euphoric rush that comes with tapping into INNATE.
And the majority of the time, it’s still? I’m done.-You can think like a motherfucker!
But the truth is… I get ever!-Better at just being IN that flow, and letting it guide and direct me. I also need to acknowledge:
Because I have a solid foundation, this is now possible.
Learning takes many hours.
Learn technique.
Doing drills.
Follow a process.
Being corrected.
I am able to see the small things clearly.
The magical moments when it just WORKS and I don’t have to think and my body, heart and soul just KNOWS it, I feel a profound sense of gratitude for having learned this fucking SYSTEM. This allows me to IGNORE it and follow my inner command while undoubtedly drawing on it.
I don’t think it is necessary to make the comparison, do you?
My business is all about me letting go of the rules and allowing myself to ‘get up’.I have no system, I just get to wake up, throw my stuff at the internet and make it up.
The truth is, however, that THIS is not the truth.
My system is quite different from what is taught in internet marketing.
It is a system that I can just wake up and do what the fuck I like.
It is based ENTIRELY on inner guidance and flow.
It is also a result of all the things I have learned, know, and not yet learned.-Tuned and APPLIED
Actually, I am using one of my systems in the way that I write this sales page.
That taste I promised you, first! –
Kat’s Million Dollar Templates• A Sample
Below is what I have for your consideration in no particular order. Wait until you hear how it will actually be delivered to you!!
1) How to Blog Unfiltered and From the Heart, So Your Soulmate Clients Sit Up and Listen
2) The Message Into Sale Template: Adding an EFFECTIVE Sales Call to Action to Any Message
3) Daily Process and Practice for Building Your Tribe
4) Daily Process and Practice for Selling and Increasing Current Sales Conversions
5) Rapid List Growth 101
6) Daily Money Tracking Practice to Hit Your Income Goals with Ease
7) Daily Intention Setting Practice to Receive Your EVERY Goal with Ease
8) Hiring Template: How to Get the PERFECT Staff Member or Team Person / VA Every Time, in One Go!
9) This is How I Manifest: The Breakdown!
10) This is How I Journal: A How To!
11) Identifying Fear and Limiting Beliefs, and Releasing Them: A How To!
12) Ideas Creation Sheet: How to Let ’em FLOOOOOOOWWWWW, and Know Which Ones Are Hot!
13) Message Clarity Template: How to Define YOURS and Also How to COMMUNICATE It!
14) Daily Activities Process for a Multi 7-Figure Plus Biz
15) Zone of Genius Template: Identifying Where to Spend Your Time for Maximum Revenue Now!
16) Productivity Process: Exactly How I Get It All DONE Each Day!
17) How and WHAT To Delegate When You Find That Awesome Hire!
18) Moving Past Upper Limit Blocks Template: How to Self-If you are playing small, coach and fly ahead
19) ‘The Guiding Questions’ Template: My Favourite Personal Questions to Tune In to Multiple Times Each Day In Order to Stay in Alignment and Always Know the Correct Move!
20) How to Ask For and Get ANYTHING Journaling Template
21) Branding Template! Identifying Your Stand For and AGAINST and Creating Your Cult Online
22) Being a God Damn LEADER Template: The Mindset and the HOW of Being Seen at That Level, Now
23) Knowing Your Next Move Template: How You Can Tune In and Receive the Answer to What’s Next For You, then Know How to ACT On It!
24) Soulmate Entrepreneur BFF Template!! My favorite!
25) First Class Bitch-ifying Your Life Template: Identify and Action EVERY Are You Need to Uplevel Now
26) Conflict Res Template: Dealing With Curveballs, Haters, Uncertainty Like the Badass You Are!
27) What to SELL Template
28) How to SELL It Template (oooh this is good … This is how I will show you exactly how to launch from flow. And it works!
29) When It’s Not WORKING Template: Knowing the Answer and the Fix, Now and ALWAYS!
30) Rapid Cashflow Generation Template. Yay!!
Man oh man!! What is this?! Just typing that much makes my hands tired. You might be a bit scared by this, but here’s a secret:
See, like I mentioned above, I’m PRETTY fucking, no FULLY certain that once you and I get started with all of this the ideas are just.going.to.keep.COMING!
From me.
You can also get it from me.
This is why I’ve done something that I’ve never done before. And I don’t think anyone else has. I’ve taken it to the forum to get the download on what my #milliondollarbadasses would most love to know from me, then used this to create 10 Brand New Bonus Templates This program should be finished with a BANG!
The BONUS is here Templates!!
31) How to Design a Killer Optin
32) How to Write a Great Sales Page that Sells!
33) Selling Evergreen: What to Do With Products Once They’ve Already Run Live
34) High-End Sales, Closing, Pricing and FB Messenger Closing + Coaching!
35) Membership Site Launching + Monetization
36) How to Design Your Online Course or Product
37) Content Re-Purposing and Leveraging, and How My Team Do It + How to Post on Social, for Different Platforms
38) Knowing What to Post on Social Media
39) Exactly What I Would Do if Starting From Scratch
40) How to Channel and Be Intuitively Guided
This is the bad news. You’re going fall off your seat
How to Templates Work! CRAZZZZZZZINESSSSS!!
Okay, so I started by giving you these templates and letting you IMPLEMENT them.
Very well laid out (by my team, and not me! Are you kidding me? I am the CONTENT Queen, not the layout or design queen!)
How to get started
How do you do it?
Actually, this morning we had a FULL-team meeting about it. Serious stuff! This is how the launch is going down. This launch has been in the works for almost a day!
And so it was. Now I get on this PLANE, where I am sat now (1A thank-you gorgeous; ALWAYS). I do my thing and unleash this page of BAASSERY for YOU.
I was able to board the plane.
I sat down on the chair and rubbed my stomach.
I added a blog to the day about a teenage boy.
I checked my FB notifications like a maniac until I lost wifi.
I ate my little bowls full of olives and nuts like a good girl. Actually, I ate the bowls of nuts and olives.
I tried half a glass of champagne and then realized that it was too much since I’d been fasting all morning. Why do I still crave ‘free’? lol.
(Just so you are aware… I’ll get to the point quickly. It’ll be available when it’s ready!
But, then, NO, I didn’t start the sales page. This is ridiculous! I have been up since 4:45 am and was up until midnight last night planning and clearing out (strategy!). ha!!) For my team and myself for today. Morning HIIT sprint training, million-dollar client calls from the back seat of my limousine trip to airport, my BLOG writing and team workflow call in the lounge (where I talked about THIS, etc.) and then I decided to HUMANAF for a moment before I wrote this!
I watched a MOVIE. “Why Him”. This, unless I’m tired (it’s a term, okay). That was more than I thought. It was the FUCKINGEST MOVIE I HAD EVER SEEN SINCE DAD TAKEN US KIDS TO SEE LIARLIAR BACK IN DAY.
I was shaking so badly in my chair that I nearly peed my pants for the 90th time-It took only minutes.
It also features Spiderman’s hot villain, the friend.
Thought I would write this whole “Get my million dollar template PDFs” thing.
This brings us to roughly HERE, in which we listen to a little Keisha and a little Ice Cube. And of course an Original Prankster.).
After taking some deep breaths, I flexed my fingers repeatedly like I was going to write lyrical prose (I AM) and then I consulted the heavens, aka the ceiling at Virgin Australia… Same thing? … briefly for the download, the message proceeded to do WHATEVER THE FUCK IT WANTED TO AND HERE I AM.
You are here.
Here’s where I invite you to BUY GOD DAMN TIMEPLATES. I almost feel like I could be side by side.-You can also track with another 20 blows-By-It’s been a long day.
I like to keep my feet on the ground.
Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo…before I SELLLLLL…
Only one tiny-Every little thing.
You get:
* Everything listed below on this page
* ALL original content, yours to keep for life
* The ins and outs of the BEST strategy program I’ve ever done (with a hella lot of mindset in there too!)
* Plus TWO bonus audios, previously only ever shared with high level private clients – one on calling in soulmate clients, and another on my advanced manifestation process!
Here’s a recap of the 30. I know, I’ve been going on forever and you’ve probably forgotten them all.
- 1) How to Blog Unfiltered and From the Heart, So Your Soulmate Clients Sit Up and Listen
- 2) The Message Into Sale Template: Adding an EFFECTIVE Sales Call to Action to Any Message
- 3) Daily Process and Practice for Building Your Tribe
- 4) Daily Process and Practice for Selling and Increasing Current Sales Conversions
- 5) Rapid List Growth 101
- 6) Daily Money Tracking Practice to Hit Your Income Goals with Ease
- 7) Daily Intention Setting Practice to Receive Your EVERY Goal with Ease
- 8) Hiring Template: How to Get the PERFECT Staff Member or Team Person / VA Every Time, in One Go!
- 9) This is How I Manifest: The Breakdown!
- 10) This is How I Journal: A How To!
- 11) Identifying Fear and Limiting Beliefs, and Releasing Them: A How To!
- 12) Ideas Creation Sheet: How to Let ’em FLOOOOOOOWWWWW, and Know Which Ones Are Hot!
- 13) Message Clarity Template: How to Define YOURS and Also How to COMMUNICATE It!
- 14) Daily Activities Process for a Multi 7-Figure Plus Biz
- 15) Zone of Genius Template: Identifying Where to Spend Your Time for Maximum Revenue Now!
- 16) Productivity Process: Exactly How I Get It All DONE Each Day!
- 17) How and WHAT To Delegate When You Find That Awesome Hire!
- 18) Moving Past Upper Limit Blocks Template: How to Self-When you’re playing small, Coach and Fly Forward
- 19) ‘The Guiding Questions’ Template: My Favourite Personal Questions to Tune In to Multiple Times Each Day In Order to Stay in Alignment and Always Know the Correct Move!
- 20) How to Ask For and Get ANYTHING Journaling Template
- 21) Branding Template! Identify What You Stand For and AGAINST and Create Your Cult Online!
- 22) Being a God Damn LEADER Template: The Mindset and the HOW of Being Seen at That Level, Now
- 23) Knowing Your Next Move Template: How You Can Tune In and Receive the Answer to What’s Next For You, then Know How to ACT On It!
- 24) Soulmate Entrepreneur BFF Template!! My favorite!
- 25) First Class Bitch-ifying Your Life Template: Identify and Action EVERY Are You Need to Uplevel Now
- 26) Conflict Res Template: Dealing With Curveballs, Haters, Uncertainty Like the Badass You Are!
- 27) What to SELL Template
- 28) How to SELL It Template (oooh this is good … I will show how to launch directly from flow.
- 29) When It’s Not WORKING Template: Knowing the Answer and the Fix, Now and ALWAYS!
- 30) Rapid Cashflow Generation Template. Yay!!
- This is a refresher on the Bonus 10
- 31) How to Design a Killer Optin
- 32) How to Write a Great Sales Page that Sells!
- 33) Selling Evergreen: What to Do With Products Once They’ve Already Run Live
- 34) High-End Sales, Closing, Pricing and FB Messenger Closing + Coaching!
- 35) Membership Site Launching + Monetization
- 36) How to Design Your Online Course or Product
- 37) Content Re-Purposing and Leveraging, and How My Team Do It + How to Post on Social, for Different Platforms
- 38) Knowing What to Post on Social Media
- 39) Exactly What I Would Do if Starting From Scratch
- 40) How to Channel and Be Intuiti
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